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Life's Challenges

It’s good to be back and writing my second post! The plan was to do this last night, in fact I wrote the first 2 letters of the title for this post when my mom happened to call me, you know, me being a momma’s boy, I instantly pick the phone up and that was the end of my blogging…

It seems that not only is my laziness and procrastination the reason for me delaying my writing, but life likes to add to it with timely phone calls…

Anyways, last night I was really thinking about what I should write about and how to keep this blog/journal sustainable so that I don’t give up on it. Perhaps provide tips for others who take their first steps to living alone and working or for others to laugh at me and my mediocre issues :).

In order to do this, I thought I should set some goals for myself and write about things that have truly made me think, happy, angry, upset, etc.

From that, I came to the conclusion that the best place to start is with the challenges I’ve been facing so far living alone in a new city. To get started, I thought I would begin with the most consistent challenge that I have to deal with: FOOD!

Food I find, is a big challenge for me because of the level of consistency it requires, you know, how you have to have it EVERYDAY. And it’s not like its just once a day, you want it 3 times a day! I say want and not need because honestly, we can live without food 3 times a day. I believe even eating once a day is good enough.

Coming from a family where my mom is an amazing cook and cooks different meals for lunch and dinner almost everyday, it’s hard trying to adapt from that. What an idiot I am for not learning anything from her! I guess as a punishment for not taking the time to learn how to cook from my mom and not appreciating the food I was eating, I have basically been eating 3 different types of food for the last 4 months. Chicken burgers, hamburgers, and hot dogs….yea…

Gone are the days of gourmet meals and stews and in are the foods associated with cancers and heart attacks. Of course, I do eat out from time to time to reminisce on all the food I’ve been missing out at home, but it’s just not the same, especially when you see the bill at the end of your meal.

Now that I have accomplished complaining about my food, what’s next? What should I do now? For me, the next logical step forward is learning to actually cook more than burgers and hotdogs…Since I seem to enjoy making things difficult for myself…I will try to learn to cook through skype with my mom! The cliché is true though, you don’t know what you have until it’s gone!

I think this would be a perfect way to keep in touch with my mom and to solve my first world problem 😉

This post turned out to be a bit longer that I originally thought, hopefully it was at the very least fun to read!